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Using less herbicide

Jun 8th, 2010

On this Japanese website you can see a nice visual representation of how little herbicide is needed in the Mankar spraying systems: http://www.cornucopiajapan.com/html/minimantrainfo.html

Mankar Herbicide

They show that for 1000 square meters (or 300 "tsubo" if that is the scale you use for measurement!) you can use as little as 100 ml of concentrate herbicide (approximately 0.11 gallons per acre, 1 litre per hectare).� This has been shown to be very successful in areas where you have already established control, however if you are looking to gain control of you weeds we recommend a rate of approximately 2 litres per hectare (0.22 gallons per acre) of glyphosate product for great results. This Japanese site also points out that there is no need for water in the Mankar spraying systems - thereby saving you a lot of time as you do not need to return to a water source every time you need to refill your sprayer. Less herbicide, no water, lightweight, and less refills and are some of the benefits of Mankar ULV Sprayers, and with over 15 years of success in weed control around the world they are the best choice for someone looking to save time and money on weed control.

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